Do you want to learn how to make money on YouTube using a simple weird niche? If so you're in the right place let me tell you.We are talking about meditation channels. Yes, you can actually makemoney on YouTube by running a Meditation channel. Let me tell you exactly what I mean.If we searched for meditation on YouTube, and look at all of those channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And all they do is make these simple, easy meditation videos. And in just a second, I'mactually gonna tell you guys how you can outsource the content creation to other people and pay other people tomake these videos for you
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So if we search meditation on YouTube, you can see this huge list of different meditation channels that pop up, each having hundreds ofthousands of subscribers, so we know there's definitelyan appeal in a market for these types of meditation videos. Now if you're interested in seeing what types of videos that these people are making, we can actually go to one of their channels.For example Michael Sealey only has 152 videoson his YouTube channel because as you can see,some of these channels have thousand 660 videos, 1300 videos, I'm interested in channelslike this guy Michael Sealey, who only have 152 videos on their channel yet almost a million subscribers he's about to hit a million subscribers . So taking a look athis channel, 993000 subscribers,his most popular upload 16 million views. Okay guys, 42 minute video called Guided Meditation FromDetachment From Overthinking." But he's got all Thesetypes of videos like Guided Meditation From Detachment. Rain and Thunder Relaxation. And my first thought was, these must be incredibly hard to make. And like I said in just a second, I'm gonna be telling you exactly how you can outsource this process and pay other people tomake the videos for you without doing any of this yourself. But I just wanna tell you guys, how easy these videos would be to make.
So let me tell you, let's goto his most recent upload, which was one week ago, so his most recent uploadone week ago 189000 reviews. If we click this video right here, there's actually an ad onthe video playing right now. So he is making moneyoff of ads on his video. But here looking at the video, he's got a littledisclaimer at the beginning saying that he's not liable for anything that happens due to his hypnosis sessionsmeditation sessions. But looking at the video, as you can see, the background is simply a stockfootage looping background. So you can find thesebackgrounds on places like, There's tons of different marketplaces, where you can find thesevideos for absolutely free. Okay, so you go to thesedifferent marketplaces, you find these videos, you put it into your ownmeditation relaxation video. And then all he does is do avoiceover on top of the videos. Leading people through meditation
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Now like I said, if you know absolutely nothing about meditations, that is no problem atall because like I said, I'm gonna tell you how you can outsource this process pay other people to makethese videos for you, which is actually super easy to do. So I'm gonna tell you how to do that in just a second. But first, let's look at how much money this guy's actually making from his meditation channel. And then let's look at the different ways we can monetize a channel like this. Just from ads alone,Michael Sealey guy's making between one in $17000 a month according to social blade just from ads, okay,this is just from ads. Now there's so many differentways of monetizing them. I'm gonna be getting into here on this video. But just from ads one to $17000 a month.So if it says one to $17000 a month, I would guess that he's atleast making $10000 a month, just from ads on his channel. Now, I could be estimating high, I could be estimating low, but as a general estimate, I would estimate that he's making about at least $10000 a month from ads. Now obviously, that's great, right? Who wouldn't want an extra$10000 a month from ads, but I reckon he'sactually making more money using different monetization methods that I'm about to share with you on here.
Some of these videos wasn't even a meditation, they just put some background music on the video with somestock clips or stock images on top of the video, and then called it a video an hour long. That's one of the biggestthing that surprises me about these types of channels is the fact that they don't upload that frequently and still get so many views and make so much money from their YouTube channels.So if you guys can upload more than once every three months, you have an instinct competitive advantage in a competitive edge against these channels that I'm telling you..And the interesting thing about these channels guys that I wanna point out is that these channels don't show their face, like I already told you.This is honestly crazy,that you can make this much this channel makesbetween 17000 and $284000 every single year justfrom their ads alone on their YouTube channel.But some of these people do show their face som I would even go as far to say they're making more money through these alternative monetization methods

I don't know if this channel's selling anything from theirdescriptions if we go. That doesn't look likethey're selling anything which you're leaving a lot of money on the table by not selling anything. I guarantee you can make a lot more from selling stuff from yourYouTube channel than from ads and plus, you don't have towait to get 1000 subscribers or 4000 hours of watch time. So if you guys don't have4000 hours of watch time or 1000 subscribers,you don't have to worry. You can monetize your YouTubechannels using these methodsSome channels have a link to their website. So if we go to their website right here, I guarantee you they're going to be selling audio meditations. Look at that audio shop. They also sell lookslike spiritual clothing, free audio healing. And from these free audio healings, I guarantee you they try tosell you their products as well. So which is, there's nothingwrong with that whatsoever. And as you can see, theyhave all of these different meditations as they're selling so we go to their download audio store, we can see oh, look, they'reusing DPD-Cart as well. Look at this they're selling all their meditations on here as well. And this is an amazing way tomonetize your YouTube channel

Now I'm gonna show you,how you can pay other people to make these videos for you. So you don't even have to know anything about meditation whatsoever to make these videos and to run a huge meditation channel on YouTube. Go to google and then we're going to type in Fiverr. I found on Fiverris absolutely crazy. So if we go to Fiverr here, and we search meditation,
at this, we will Professionally record a guided meditation for $15. You can pay someone $15 and they'll record a meditation for you. And all you guys need, is to that video to get over 15000 views.You make your moneyback just from ads. That's not even counting if you're selling meditations out the back end of your YouTube channel, and that's not the only one Okay. There's all of these different things I will give you got ameditation for commercial use, make sure they saycommercial use by the way. if you gonna do this, make sure they say commercialuse, like this one does.Now what if you didn't wanna pay someone to do thevoiceover for your videos? You could do it yourself. All you need is a phone okay?
If you have no money to invest and you're completely broke, you can start doing this yourself. You can start by watchingmeditation channels on YouTube, writing down similar meditations,recording them yourself, putting some royaltyfree background music, putting some royalty freestock footage's together any you can't just do thisand expect them to go viral. You really wanna putit in a system in place for making sure you're notwasting your time on YouTube. And that is why I'mactually providing my course which is down at thelink in the description as well as a completely free training. So if you're on the fence about the course or you can afford my course that I offer, check out my free training. This is going to help you guys a ton at the first link down in the description. I guarantee you that free training is going to help you guys a ton. Check out my freetraining at the first link in the description andalso check out my course if you wanna take your YouTubechannel to the next level